Sunday 23rd March 2025
Bug Fixes
Improved "Address Line" input box to keep unit number when clicking on a search result
Miscellaneous Changes
Report & Appointment email templates have new available variables:
Licence Number of attached staff
Signature of attached staff
Minor inventory changes:
Simplified the UI for creating new inventory
Batch-prefilling inventory will be disabled for industries where we don't supply prefills
Batch-prefilling inventory now orders commonly-used items at the top for easy selection
Prefilled inventory which you've added to your business collection can now be reverted back to their system-default version in a similar fashion to email templates
Assign revenue to staff member
You can now assign revenue for each invoice to a specific staff member.
This staff member will have revenue assigned to them on the Invoice & Payment Summary widget.
You can set the assignee in the "Client Details" section when creating an invoice.
The same applies for quotations. The field will be hidden if your business is a single operator.
When an appointment is selected, it will attempt to automatically set the assignee as the attendee of that appointment.
Other changes include:
Staff assignee added to the payment list table
Filter quotation, invoice and payment lists by staff assignee
Accepted quotations and paid invoices can now be partially-edited. This allows you to edit the assignee of existing accepted quotations and paid invoices.
Updated Invoice & Payment Summary widget
The Invoice & Payment Summary widget now allows you to filter results by:
Invoice status (Unpaid, Partially Paid, Paid)
Appointment Type (requires invoice to be linked to an appointment)
Staff Assignee (instead of invoice creator)