These settings can be changed via Settings > System Defaults.
Select the "Accounting" tab at the top left.
Your accounting default values will be used on accounting-relevant areas of the system.
GST Registration
Indicates whether the business using Mira is registered for GST. This will affect tax based calculations
Default GST on new invoices
The default tax status used on new line items when creating quotations or invoices. Options are: Tax Inclusive, Tax Exclusive or No Tax
Default GST on new inventory
The default tax status used on new inventory items when creating selling details. Options are: Tax Inclusive, Tax Exclusive or No Tax
Default Due Date
Default due date when creating new invoices. This can be overridden when creating a new invoice
Default Payment Reminders
Create a default set of reminders to set for a client when creating a new invoice. These options can be overridden while creating the invoice.
Prefill Invoice Description
Used to automatically prefill an invoice description from an appointment description when an invoice is created from the appointment dialog or an appointment is added to the invoice
Send Reports with Invoice
When sending an invoice, automatically attach reports to the same email if both the report and invoice have a linked appointment
Preferred Payment Method
Used for preferred payment method for clients to display on invoices. Options are: Bank Transfer, Credit Card or No Preference
Bank Account Details
When enabled, your bank account details will be displayed on invoices sent to clients, including:
BSB Number
Account Number
Account Name
Description (to appear underneath bank details)
These details will only display when the invoice is unpaid or partially paid.
They won't display on draft or fully paid invoices.
Default Quotation Expiry Date
Default expiry date when creating new quotations. This can be overridden when creating a new invoice
Prefill Quotation Description
Used to automatically prefill an quotation description from an appointment description when an quotation is created from the appointment dialog or an appointment is added to the quotation
Accepting Quotations
Used to allow clients to accept a quotation via email or Client Connect
Document Prefill
The default prefill value to use on new inventory items.
Inventory Name: item name field will be applied as prefill value for new document line items
Inventory Description: item description field will be applied as prefill value for new document line items