How to check for device software updates
Updated over a week ago

Mira is a modern system using the latest available technologies.

Sometimes we will be required to update the minimum device specifications due to some internal services that we use, so we recommend keeping your device software up to date.

Checking for software updates is fairly straightforward.

iPhone / iPad

Open "Settings" app

Scroll down and tap "General"

Tap "Software Update"

If an update is available, tap "Download and Install". This process may take a while.

Android / Samsung

Each Android brand (Samsung Galaxy, Google Pixel etc) can have a slightly different interface for checking for software updates, however the experience should not be too different to the following:

Open "Settings" app

Scroll down and tap "Software Update"

Tap "Download and install"

If an update is available, tap "Download". This process may take a while.

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