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How to automatically prefill your signature onto new Reports
How to automatically prefill your signature onto new Reports
Updated over a week ago

To speed up the reporting process, you can have your signature automatically prefilled when generating new reports.

Step 1: Save your signature in Settings

-Go to Settings > Account Details.

-Find the "Signature" box and add your signature.

-Click Save once you're done.

Step 2 (optional): Check that the form supports prefilling signatures

Note: most new master copies have prefilling enabled by default for staff signatures

If not:

-Go to Forms in the navigation menu.

-Edit a copy of the form that you want to add prefilling to.

-In the Form Editor, find the Signature field (or optionally search for "Signature" in the navigator)

-Edit the Signature field once you have found it

-Make sure the following checkbox is selected

-Save the form and publish it

Step 3: Create new report (you're done!)

-Start filling in a new report.

-In the "Report Details" section, make sure to select the licence of your account if the selected form allows you to use a licence.

If the selected form doesn't support a licence, your account signature will be used.

-Continue filling in the report. Once you find the signature field, you should notice your signature has been prefilled!

-If you select the licence of another staff member, the signature box will automatically change based on who you have selected.

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