Monday 6th July 2020
This release contains many enhancements throughout the system to further improve your user experience.
Bug Fixes
Unable to search for invoices by address or client name
Unable to use "new line characters" on notes when syncing notes from accounting providers
Signatures not working on tablets (iPad)
Improved the performance of the report generator
"Subscription Details" notification/email not printing out any information
When sending out an appointment reminder notification to a client for an unconfirmed appointment, the notification will recommend that the client book in/confirm the appointment
Notification button not updating the amount of unread notifications when a new notification is received
Dramatically increased the loading performance for the calendar (for the time being, searching for appointments by their address has been disabled. It will be reenabled at a later date)
If a client's payment fails (via Stripe or Square), the company will now be notified that their attempt of payment failed
Ability to select "Every day, 360 times" when creating a recurring rule.
General fixes when generating new PDFs for reports and invoices
Text and captions throughout the app have been made easier to read
Parts of the app on mobile devices have been made easier to use
Misxcellaneous Features
Updated forms will make their way onto the system over the next few weeks with new abilities including "required fields" and new options of how fields are displayed on their PDF
Invoice PDFs have been updated with a cleaner new design
Updated the system with new date and time pickers (these pickers remain the same no matter what phone / browser you use)
New login page design with a cleaner look. Parts of the user interface have been tweaked to create more uniformity
When generating runsheets, you now have the option of selecting appointments with a specific appointment status.
You can now clone any report, even if the report uses an old form
Ability to set a contact First+Last name for a Business client profile
You now have the option for automatically sending a Client Connect link request when creating new clients. This can be turned on via Settings > System Defaults > Clients
"How did you hear about us?"
When creating clients, you now have the option of selecting how the client heard about your business.
We have provided you with a list of default options. You may edit these options by going to Settings > System Defaults > Clients. From there, you can add or remove your own options.
We have also added a new dashboard widget called "Client Referrals" which shows a chart of the top ways that your clients have heard about your business.
You can enable the widget by editing your dashboard and dragging the widget onto a section.
Invoice Receipts
Invoices have been updated to automatically attach receipts to the end of the PDF for any payments that a client has made towards that invoice.
Clients will also automatically receive an email receipt when they make a payment through Client Connect.
When making a manual payment, you now also have the option of sending a receipt to a client's email address.
Client Groups
Client Groups have received an overhaul to make managing groups of clients so much easier.
All these new features will automatically work for any existing groups you've created.
These features will also help make it easier to manage strata-clients.
You now have the option of setting a description and colour for each group you create.
Groups will now collate all notes, appointments, reports and invoices for all the clients within this group (similar to Appointment Groups)
Clients in the group can be reordered/dragged according to priority
Clients can be marked as "Primary" (clicking the checkbox next to each client). By marking a client as primary, they'll have direct access to the other clients' details via their own detail dialog (as pictured).
Upgraded Form Editor
We've updated the form editor to provide you with a lot more flexibility when editing forms.
Edit the title and standard of the form
Change the pre-selected default values when generating new reports
Edit the spacing, width and field-specific values which are displayed on the PDF
Mark fields as required (which will prevent a new report from being submit until the field has been filled out)
It is now also easier to make the distinction between a form you have edited and a form which was uploaded by the system
Client CSV Importer
We've built a batch-upload client importer which can be found in Settings > Import Data > Clients.
Upload a CSV file into the importer and select the columns in your CSV to map against our system.
If any rows of data contain errors, you will be able to fix the broken data. The importer will then do its work to create the clients in Pest Register.