Friday 14th February, 2020
Bug Fixes:
Fixed: Xero webhooks now working. Contacts and Invoices are now updated in Pest Register when they are updated in Xero
Fixed: Saving System Defaults throwing an error
Fixed: PO Box and Postal Addresses parsing incorrectly from accounting providers. All addresses are now converted and fixed. All future addresses will now parse correctly
Known Bugs:
Bug: Weather not displayed on Appointment Cards
Bug: Performance Issues when uploading photos when filling out reports
Bug: Dashboard keeps showing a banner for syncing an accounting provider even if dismissed
Missing Feature: Error banners don't exist during client creation if any of the provided phone numbers or addresses are invalid
Missing Feature: Deleting Payments from Invoices to unreconcile or amend Invoices from non-editable to editable
Missing Feature: Setting a System Default for GST Inclusive / Exclusive on Invoicing
Bugs Currently Being Fixed for next Patch:
Bug: Weather not displayed on Appointment Cards
Bug: Dashboard keeps showing a banner for syncing an accounting provider even if dismissed
Missing Feature: Error banners don't exist during client creation if any of the provided phone numbers or addresses are invalid
Missing Feature: Deleting Payments from Invoices to unreconcile or amend Invoices from non-editable to editable
Missing Feature: Setting a System Default for GST Inclusive / Exclusive on Invoicing